REflection "A Raisin in the Sun"

This essay is about dreams, change, selfishness in the play by Lorraine hansberry called "A raisin in the sun". The character i chose to write about was Walter younger one of the main characters in the play. This play was the fist play written by a black women produce in broadway as well as thye fist black directed by a black man.My favorite part about the process of the essay was reading the play and watching the film. We got to act out one the characters while reading and we got to see how the real actors did it. I didn't really have a least favorite part. I did get some more practice on how to incorporate quotes in an essay. If I was to do this project again I would change the format of adding so many quote because it was a little hard looking for quote in the book. I think the teacher should assiugn again because it's interesting and it's history.